EMJD - FetalMed PhD

Job Description

FetalMed-PhD offers students a unique opportunity to achieve an internationally recognized joint PhD degree in the growing field of Fetal Medicine. The programme contemplates research projects spanning all scientific disciplines and all maturational stages relevant to fetal medicine, from early fetal life to childhood.

In addition, the programme will foster mobility between the three partner universities in Barcelona (Spain), Leuven (Belgium) and Lund (Sweden) and additional Associated Partners in industry and academia. Successful graduates will thus have a broad and practical training that will allow them to generate and apply solutions to Fetal Medicine that will bridge academic, research and industrial disciplines.

The three major research lines include (1) Prediction and prevention of fetal programming, (2) Cardiovascular diseases and (3) Fetal therapy and surgery.

The programme is addressed to professionals from different backgrounds in the fields of Clinical Medicine (obstetricians, radiologists, cardiologists), Basic Science (Biologists, biochemistry) and Technology (bio-engineers, physicists).

For the first edition, we have available 5 EMJD fellowships for non-EU nationals, 3 for EU-nationals and an additional 1 for West Balkans/Turkey, although there is also place for candidates who are not awarded a fellowship.

Full details of the programme outline, participating Partners, Eligibility Criteria and application procedures can be found on the official FetalMed-PhD website: http://fetalmed-em.eu/

IMPORTANT: Deadline for submission of student applications is 31st January 2013.