PhD Project: iD-HRM – Innovative HRM strategies and practices: Unlocking success in digitalisation era

Job Description

Digital transformation has become an essential force in reshaping the global business and workplace dynamics. Conventional HR strategies and approaches often struggle to effectively manage and motivate a tech-savvy workforce with evolving needs and a preference for innovative solutions. This challenge extends to foster talent engagement and optimise performance management. This highlights the necessity for organizations to be innovative and adopt novel approaches in their HRM. This project aims to develop an analytic framework that captures both macro- and micro-level dynamics of digital transformation, innovative HRM, organisation performance and competitive advantages in modern business and work environments. This developed framework guides firms in designing and implementing innovative HRM strategies and practices to leverage the digital and technological advancements (including artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, virtual reality simulations, gamified platforms and online platforms) for talent acquisition, motivation, engagement and retention. It also explores the innovative mechanisms by organisations to optimise performance management and develop a culture of continuous learning and development via online platforms and digital tools. The project potentially enriches scholarly discourse and informs strategic decision-making for policy makers and firms to enhance competitive advantages and ensure sustained growth in modern work environments.

Student Requirements for this Project

Minimum 2.1 BSc degree in cognate discipline (including human resource management, business, psychology, law, computer science, data science)

Funding details Self Funded (Scholarship not available. Fees & Materials to be paid by the student. Materials costs not significant)

Award for this Project PhD

Website of School

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