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Sociology of Humans and Machines

Sociology of Humans and Machines

Technological University Dublin
The forthcoming Trinity-TU Dublin Joint Centre for the Sociology of Humans and Machines (SOHAM) will serve as a pioneering research […]
DHS Summer Research Team Program for Minority Serving Institutions – Faculty

DHS Summer Research Team Program for Minority Serving Institutions – Faculty

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Fully Funded PhD Project: “RevealIO – Visual Analytics and IOT” For more information and to apply go to available PhD projects under the School of Computing at
Fully funded PhD Project - RevealIO - Visual Analytics and IOT

Fully funded PhD Project - RevealIO - Visual Analytics and IOT

Technological University Dublin
Fully Funded PhD Project: “RevealIO – Visual Analytics and IOT” For more information and to apply go to available PhD projects under the School of Computing at